MBC is proud of being the sole agent for the following famous and reputed international companies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
A & A Diagnostics GmbH, Germany – This Company provides highly innovativeClinical Proteomics services for academic institutions and pharmaceutical companies.
- Cell Marque, USA – An international leading Antibodies & Reagents
manufacturer for the detection of cancer and infectious diseases, providing high quality products to leading laboratories and researchers throughout the world. In addition, Cell Marque manufactures and supplies primary antibodies to Ventana Medical Systems© (a member of The Roche Group) who is the world leader in automated IHC platforms.
DAKO, Denmark (Flowcytometry & Specific Proteins) – Dako is a global leader in tissue-based cancer diagnostics. Hospital and research laboratories worldwide use Dako’s know-how, reagents, instruments and software to make precise diagnoses and determine the most effective treatment for patients suffering from cancer.
Sartorius Stedim Biotech, Germany – A leading group of companies engaged in the field of membrane separation technology, bio-technology, & weighing technology, originally oriented towards predominantly covering the needs of laboratories with a wide range of application programs of their weighing system.
RAL Diagnostics, France – This Company is specialized in staining for different departments as hematology, cytology, bacteriology, parasitology and histology.
Panbio Alere, Australia – One of the innovative and research oriented company dealing in Elisa kits used in microbiology and virology.
Feather Safety Razor Co. Ltd., Japan – A leading manufacturer of Microtome blades and surgical blades, etc.
Bio-Optica, Italy – Founded in Milan on 1977, today Bio-Optica is the first company in Italy in cyto-histopathology field. The headquarters are in Milan, while productive poles are located in Peschiera for the instrumentation and in Bologna for reagents.
BMSK, Canada – A Canadian incorporated company, operating out of Montreal, specialized in the supply of laboratory, hospital and medical equipment, from reputable American, European and Canadian manufacturers, namely in Blood Banking, Micro plate Technology, Industrial Microbiology and Controlled Environment. http://www.bmskcanada.com/